7. Proposals
7.1. Proposal List
7. Proposals
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7.1. Proposal List

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Click on the Proposal List menu option to display your list of proposals.



Icons Description
Create a New Proposal Click on this icon to create a new proposal
Search Proposals Click on this icon to search your proposal database

Column Titles

Column Titles Description
Proposal No This displays your proposal numbers, this column title is underlined which means you can click on this title to sort your proposals. Click the title once to sort the list by ascending values, click a second time to sort the list by descending values
Customer This displays the customer name the proposal was created for, this column title is underlined which means you can click on this title to sort your proposals. Click the title once to sort the list by ascending values, click a second time to sort the list by descending values
Description This displays the proposal description that was entered when the proposal was created
Creation Date This displays the date the proposal was created, this column title is underlined which means you can click on this title to sort your proposals. Click the title once to sort the list by ascending values, click a second time to sort the list by descending values
Sales Rep This displays the sales rep name that was used on the proposal, this column title is underlined which means you can click on this title to sort your proposals. Click the title once to sort the list by ascending values, click a second time to sort the list by descending values
Status This is the custom status that is user defined. You create custom proposal status entries in System Configuration first, then users can select the appropriate status for their proposals from the list

Sort Options

Proposal list sort options allow you to set and preserve certain display features of the proposal list. You can change the sort options as often as you like, or not use them at all.

Sort Options Description
All Proposals This option is the default, all proposals in your Proposal database will be displayed
Only Active Proposals This option, when selected, will display only active proposals - archived proposals will not be displayed
Only Archived Proposals This option, when selected, will show only active proposals - active proposals will not be displayed
Creation Dates You can enter a from and to date to sort your proposal list for proposals that were created within the date range you have entered
Sales Rep You can select a sales rep name, or multiple sales rep names, only proposals that have been created for the sales rep names selected will be displayed. The default is to display all sales reps proposals
7.1. Proposal List
7. Proposals
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7. Proposals
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7.1.1. Search Proposals